What is Dit Da Jow / Hit Wine?
Dit Da Jow / Hit Wine is a traditional Chinese liniment (Northern Shaolin) made on site at Dao Holistic in the UK. Dit Da Jow / Hit Wine (Northern Shaolin) uses a unique blende of nineteen Authenticated Dao Di Chinese herbs specially formulated to stimulate circulation, reduce pain and swelling, and improve the healing of injuries and bruising. Many customers have found this Dit Da Jow / Hit Wine useful for reducing pain associated with arthritis, rheumatism and aching muscles.
Use of Dit Da Jow Liniment
Dit Da Jow Liniment can be used for all sorts of painful conditions and injuries including bruising, muscle tears, ligament injuries and broken bones. When applied, it can help stop pain and start the healing process. For broken bones and fractures it is thought to speed the regeneration of bone and surrounding tissues. For those Martial Arts enthusiasts that are undergoing Iron Palm training the formulation has many similarities with Shattering Palm Iron Palm Jow and thus can be used as an Iron Palm Liniment.
Making of Dit Da Jow (Northern Shaolin)
Dit Da Jow (Northern Shaolin) is macerated (soaked) in alcohol for at least a year and comes with a certificate to verify this. The nineteen different Authenticated Dao Di Chinese herbs are ground into a powder to give an increased surface area so more of the active ingredients are extracted from the herbs into the 25% V/V alcohol. The 25% V/V alcohol / Water content ensures a maximum extraction of both water soluble and organic constituents from the high-quality Chinese herbs used in this liniment. Herbs used in the infusion process are
Ru Xiang (Frankincense) Mo Yao (Myrrh) Hong Hua (Safflower) Dang Gui Wei (Angelica Tail) Zhi Shi (Immature Bitter Orange), Chuan Xiong (Ligusticum)Chuan Niu Xi (Cyathula Root), Chen Xiang (Aquilaria Wood), Chen Xiang (Agarwood Resin), Mu Xiang (Auklandia), Jing Jie (Schizonepeta), Chi Shao (Red Peony), Jie Geng (Platycodon), Zhi Zi (Gardenia Fruit), Bai Shao (White Peony), (Mu Dan Pi (Mountain Peony) Gui Zhi (Cinnamon, Cassia Twig) Yan Hu Suo (Corydalis Rhizome). Tao Ren (Peach Kernel), Long Gu (Fossilised Mammal Bone
The exact make up of the Dit Da Jow is a closely guarded secret. The Chen Xiang (Aquilaria Wood) is unique to this Dit Da Jow as it contains a mixture of Agarwood and Agarwood resin from different parts of the World.
Dit Da Jow Massage Oil (Northern Shaolin). This formulation is produced by infusing 20 different Authenticated Dao Di Chinese herbs into grapeseed oil. The formulation is slightly different than the Dit Da Jow liniment as it does not contain Tao Ren (peach kernel) or Long Gu (fossilised Mammal bones). These two herbs have been replaced by Xue Jie (Resina Draconia) and San Qi (Radix Notosoginseng). This has been done to make the massage oil nut free and vegan friendly. This massage oil can be used for all sorts of injuries including bruising, muscle tears and ligament injuries. When applied, it can help with pain and be used as part of a general pain management programme. Herbs used in the infusion process are
Ru Xiang (Frankincense) Mo Yao (Myrrh) Hong Hua (Safflower) Dang Gui Wei (Angelica Tail) Zhi Shi (Immature Bitter Orange) Chuan Xiong (Ligusticum) Chuan Niu Xi (Cyathula Root) Chen Xiang (Aquilaria Wood), Chen Xiang (Agarwood Resin), Xue Jie (Resina Draconia), Mu Xiang (Auklandia) Jing Jie (Schizonepeta) Chi Shao (Red Peony) Jie Geng (Platycodon) Zhi Zi (Gardenia Fruit) Bai Shao (White Peony), San Qi (Radix Notosoginseng), (Mu Dan Pi (Mountain Peony) Gui Zhi (Cinnamon, Cassia Twig) Yan Hu Suo (Corydalis Rhizome).
Dit Da Jow Liniment Gel (Northern Shaolin) 100ml with lotion pump. This product is a gel version of our popular Dit Da Dow Liniment (Northern Shaolin). The product has the advantage of being much thicker meaning that it is less messy than the traditional quite runny Dit Da Jow. The product is turned into a gel using a small amount of natural thickeners and contains a natural moisturiser which aids the skin absorption of the Dit Da Jow active ingredients.
Dit Da Jow Liniment Golden Lotus 6th Century can be used for all sorts of pain conditions and injuries including bruising, muscle tears, ligament injuries and broken bones. When applied, it can help stop pain and start the healing process. For broken bones and fractures, it is thought to help the regeneration of bone and surrounding tissues. The formulation is different from the Dit Da Jow Northern Shaolin as it is warmer energetically and contains more Yang and warming herbs, but not is hot when applied to the skin. For Martial Arts enthusiasts that are undergoing Iron Palm Training the formulation has many similarities with Shattering Palm Iron Palm Jow and thus can be used as an Iron Palm Liniment. This Dit Da Jow can be purchased as the finished item in 100ml or 200ml bottles.
Dit Da Jow liniment Golden Lotus 6th Century is produced by a year maceration process in which the active ingredients of the different Chinese herbs are extracted into 25% V/V water / alcohol. This ensures the best extraction of organic and inorganic constituents of the herbs.
Dang Gui (Angleica Root), Dang Gui Wei (Angelica tail), Gu Sui Bu (Drynaria), Chuan Niu Xi (Achyranthes Root), Wu Jia Pi (Acanthopanax Bark), Hai Feng Teng (Kadsura Stem), Mu Gua (Quince Fruit), Zhi Zi Gardenia Fruit, Bai Zhi (White Angelica), Song Jie (Pine Branch), Gui Zhi (Cinnamon twig), Jiang Huang (Turmeric), Du Huo (Angelica Pub) Du Zhong (Eucommia Bark) Xu Duan (Dipsacus Root), Rou Cong Rong (Cistanche) She Chuang Zi (Cnidium Seed), Kuan Jin Teng (Tinospora) Wei Ling Xian (Clematis Root), Qin Jiao (Gentian Root) Long Gu (Dragon Bone), Ru Xiang (Frankincense), Mo Yao (Myrrh), Xue Jie (Dragons blood), Hua Jiao (Prickly Ash Pepper), Gao Liang Jiang (Galangal Rhizome), Fang Feng (Siler Root), Cang Zhu (Black Atractylodes), Qiang Huo (Notopterygium), Liu Ji Nu (Artemesia) Jiang Xiang (Dalbergia Rosewood), Xiang Fu (Cyperus nut), Fu Ling (Poria), Ba Ji Tian (Morinda root), Alcohol / Water 25% V/V
Dit Da Jow Liniment Preparation
The maceration process (extraction of the active ingredients from the herbs) takes about 6 months for the powdered herb kits and 1 year for the whole dried herb kits. The powdered herbs have a larger surface area for extraction and hence the active ingredients in the herbs will be extracted more quickly. Add your herbs to your wide necked glass jar and add your premixed surgical spirit mixture 25% V/V or 40% V/V (surgical spirit/ distilled water). Place lid on the jar, tighten and seal round with tape or parafilm. Shake the jar until the herbs are mixed throughout the liquid and store in a cool dark place. The jar should be thoroughly shaken 2 to 3 times a week.