Dit Da Jow Massage Oil (Northern Shaolin) 100ml

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This formulation is produced by infusing 20 different Chinese Herbs into grapeseed oil. The formulation is slightly different than the Dit Da Jow liniment as it does not contain Tao Ren (peach kernel) or Long Gu (fossilised Mammal bones).


33 in stock


Dit Da Jow Massage Oil (Northern Shaolin).

Dit Da Jow oil is produced by infusing 20 different Authenticated Dao Di Chinese herbs into grapeseed oil. The formulation is slightly different than the liniment as it does not contain Tao Ren (peach kernel) or Long Gu (fossilised Mammal bones).

These two herbs have been replaced by Xue Jie (Resina Draconia) and San Qi (Radix Notosoginseng). This has been done to make the massage oil nut free and vegan friendly.

Dit Da Jow oil can be used for all sorts of injuries including bruising, muscle tears and ligament injuries. When applied, it can help with pain and be used as part of a general pain management programme.

Herbs used in the infusion process are Ru Xiang (Frankincense) Mo Yao (Myrrh) Hong Hua (Safflower) Dang Gui Wei (Angelica Tail) Zhi Shi (Immature Bitter Orange) Chuan Xiong (Ligusticum) Chuan Niu Xi (Cyathula Root) Chen Xiang (Aquilaria Wood), Chen Xiang (Agarwood Resin), Xue Jie (Resina Draconia), Mu Xiang (Auklandia) Jing Jie (Schizonepeta) Chi Shao (Red Peony) Jie Geng (Platycodon) Zhi Zi (Gardenia Fruit) Bai Shao (White Peony), San Qi (Radix Notosoginseng), (Mu Dan Pi (Mountain Peony) Gui Zhi (Cinnamon, Cassia Twig) Yan Hu Suo (Corydalis Rhizome).


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